You already know my name, my age, and what I do for a living, here is how I got here...

I was born & raised in Uvalde, Texas. After graduating high school I found myself in Lubbock, Texas. I earned my Bachelors Degree in Psychology from Texas Tech University in May of 2017. After graduation I was hired by the Undergraduate Admissions Department at Texas Tech.

God had other plans for me. My dad was diagnosed with stage 4B cancer in August 2016, he fought, he won... so we thought. In Mid December of 2017 we were all caught by surprise when my dad suffered an aneurysm in his brain stem. It left him paralyzed from the neck down and dependent of a ventilator. 

I made the decision to leave Lubbock, my home for the past five years, and return to my hometown. My dad got to see me get married and I was able to spend the last 2 and a half years of his life right by his side. Sadly he has left us and gone to rest in Heaven. Our situation is what inspired me to start taking pictures. In 2018 I picked up the camera he bought my mother years before and it's led me here.

As all of this was happening to my family I realized that it was pictures we all looked back on and cherished while dealing with the trauma we had all endured. As my dad is no longer here with us I realized I didn't have nearly enough photos to remind me of all the memories we had made throughout our lives. That is why photography is so important.

I created this business to genuinely capture memories that would be around for a very long time. I found something I truly enjoy that makes just the slightest difference in peoples lives, and knowing that makes it that much more worthwhile.

I am a proud Christian & believer in Jesus, a dog mom, wife, sister, aunt, and daughter. And now that you know about me, I'd love to learn about you and make those important memories stick around for a lifetime.